Identity Theft and Using Passwords

Why Use a Password:

Having a password is the easiest way to prove your identity when logging in to something like, Gmail, accounts, your computer, etc. When you are using a strong password your personal info is protected from people who want to steal it. Having a password is a very good way to counter identity theft.


How a Password should look like:

A password that you are using for your account should be strong so nobody will be able to access your account, this is what it should look like. A good password should have a minimum of 12 characters. It should also include numbers, symbols, capital letters, and lower-case letters. You should also mix around where you put each type of character to make your password even better.

When to save your Password:

Often when using google chrome you will be asked if you will like to save your password. Even though google chrome is asking, it doesn't mean you should always say yes to it. Whenever there is a picture of a lock in the URL that is green and beside it says “Secure”, then it is usually safe to save. When you think it might not be secure you should never save, just to be safe.

What is identity theft:

Identity theft is a crime in which a person obtains your personal information, like your Social Security or driver's license numbers, so they can impersonate someone else. This information can be used to get credit, goods or products, and services as you, or to provide the thief with fake credentials. In addition to running up debt, the thief might provide false information to the police, creating a criminal record or leaving ongoing arrest warrants for the person whose identity has been stolen.

How to know what is fake:

This is a list of things to test when checking is a website is real or fake:

How to prevent identity theft:

How your Identity can be stolen:
